Collect the keys and unlock the doors to advance to the next floor without getting caught!


- Left click to move

- Double click to sprint


This game is an adventure game where you play as a worker who just received a text from their girlfriend saying she’s home alone and is dying to spend time with them. As you are currently at the office your task is to escape undetected with the help of keys to unlock doors. You are able to walk and run around but keep in mind people are roaming and will say something if they see and hear something suspicious. Try not to get caught too many times or you will be in big trouble. You are able to move freely around just remember you are supposed to be working.

Github repo:


The Office 28 MB
The Office 37 MB

Development log


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I absolutely love this game and the concept and story line seems well thought and put together. This concept is very cool and the mechanics in game are uncommon and fun to work around with. The controls for the game can be made a bit better by using the cursor to show the direction of the player instead of always clicking. This makes this game more laptop friendly and more accessible to players. The game can be a bit unfair because you lose the keys you collected when you lose a life. I feel that since there are multiple lives, the progress from a previous life should be saved. Also maybe adding a key counter on the screen could be helpful. When I was playing the first level, after collecting the key, I didn't know how many more keys to collect and I kept roaming around even though I could have finished the level. Therefore knowing how many keys to collect for the level and how many have already been collected can be useful. Finally, I remember a really cool video you guys played in class to introduce the game, but I didn't see it here on the itch page. So maybe include that as well. 

The concept is very fun and I really like how the player has a spotlight around them so you know when you're caught (and the employees' lines of vision).

I would say I had a bit of a hard time moving around the way I wanted to, but I think that has to do with the rotation and the changes in location. I like the lives marker and it's pretty cool that it's represented by pencils. 

I honestly could not get far in the game. There are some games similar to this where enemies are alerted of the player's presence in a certain range, and either chase them or the player gets caught if they enemy is alerted for too long. I think for this game, chasing would make more sense and it might make the game easier for some players (since they would have a bit of a chance to get away instead of automatically restarting). However, overall I thought this game was well put together.

The story line is very interesting and relatable. Who wouldn't want to get out of the office? I also really like the start scene and death scene of this game, which are consistent with the overall theme of the game. My only complain is that the movement of the player looks a bit weird (slippery in a sense). Maybe add some friction to the player?

The game mechanics are pretty well thought. The fact that running faster catches more attention makes this game more realistic and challenging. The way assets are put together and the scripting shows a sense of humor. Sticking with a low poly style also makes the levels look good altogether.

One thing that is lacking might be showing what happens after getting caught, instead of sending the player back to the spawn point. There can also be some sound effects when the player is spotted by one of the coworkers who then starts to chase you.

(3 edits)

All the sprites are really good. The background sound fits well to the game. The concept is unique and you have executed it well. This concept can be turned into a VR game. "Notice of Termination" suits the theme. This is a really good example of designing the entire game in the same theme.  

However there are some minor things you should look into.  You should try adding additional sounds for the player. If you want to make the office large, if you can add a mini map that would be great. 

Visually, the game has a great aesthetic and the overall theme and concept is very funny and well done. Where this game has improvement for me though is firstly the audio. I really would have like a footstep sound for the player just for a bit more feedback when playing. I think having some sort of warning sound when close to another employee (such as a heartbeat that gets louder/faster when closer to a detection cone) would have also been a good touch. 

I know it's posted within the itch page, but having an actual posting of the goal within the game (get the keys and escape to a specific door) would have also helped  a lot for players. Perhaps a little icon that's greyed out until the player gets the key? 

Regardless, this game is already pretty good, but with a little more time could become  REALLY good. 

I really like the start scene of the game and the animation which tells players about the context of the game. I think lots of people would decide to escape from work to see their girlfriends. Also, the settings of the scene are well constructed, the office and the staff look quite consistent.

However, I think it would be better to have a minimap or just an instruction for the position of the exit or it would be pretty hard for players to get out in the third level. Also, there could be some instructions on how to use the alarm. But overall, I think the game is pretty good and well designed.

This game had a nice theme and the setting was really interesting and creative in how the player can be in a realistic gameplay. The navigation was good and the narrative or how the player gets the keys always keeps the user interested.